The Office for Community Wellness (OCW) is a department within the Town of New Paltz.
The OCW strives to: (a) identify areas of need related to behavioral health and emotional
well-being; (b) help community members utilize available resources and support to meet life challenges they may be experiencing; and,
(c) enhance resources and services
within the New Paltz community.
We collaborate with local partner organizations, as well as organizations within Ulster County and the larger Mid-Hudson region to improve access to services and address gaps in services as much as possible.
In addition, we work with local community members, youth, parents, local businesses, and organizations to co-create activities and programs that support wellness, resiliency, and strengthen community connectivity.
Community Education Coordinator
Phoenix R. Kawamoto, M.S.W.
This department is staffed by our Community Education Coordinator, Phoenix Kawamoto. He is proud to serve the New Paltz community and have specialized in community education, outreach, and organizing for 35+ years with nearly 12 years of that being in New Paltz.
Phoenix is here to listen and assist community members who are searching for programs, resources, and mental health services. In addition, he works with numerous organizations, service providers, professionals, and volunteers to create and provide additional activities and supportive community programming.
If you would like to speak with Phoenix, please call him at (845) 256-5014.
Meet the "Team"
Here is a sample of the many different community organizations that offer their support and various contributions that are vital to the work of this department and those we are here to serve. We extend our gratitiude to them, as well as the numerous individuals who are donating their time, energy, and expertise.